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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 6  FOX  October 4, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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public safety. it reads in any war between civilized men and the savage, support the civilized mental support israel, defeat jihad. pamela gellar of a group called the american freedom defense initiative wants to use the word savage on posters designed to appear on american transit systems. >> anyone is savagery. the tens of thousands of rockets going into southern israel from gaza is savagery. the slaughter of the fogel family, the jewish family in their beds, the three- -month-old baby decapitate side savagery. >> reporter: they displaying the ads on the new york city subway system and managers of the washington area metro balked in part because of the recent destructive rioting in islamic nations over a california film ridiculing the prophet mohammad. an attorney for metro told a federal judge that three u.s. security agencies have cautioned metro about current
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unspecified concerns. metro furnished a video shot by a new york post reporter showing one woman defacing one of the 10 posters and another woman trying to block that action. metro is trying to delay the posters until november 1st to allow the world situation to calmdown. the attorney for the pro israeli poster maker said that metro must display the ads without delay. >> in our civil society, the first amendment has the greatest protection. the government needs to protect the speaker and for those who say they want to engage in violence, we'll arrest you for engaging in violence and all it's going to do is embolden those. >> reporter: during the hearing, the u.s. district judge collier characterized the part of the poster as being part of hate speech and wondered aloud if metro manager's concerns are reasonable and did not issue a ruling today. the person who wants to put up
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the poster was hoping for a quick ruling and ordering metro it put them up right away. the judge, however, said she hinted she would give her ruling quickly in this case. it's become a dangerous path for residents since january. there have been eight robberies in and around fort taunton park. some of the muggings were at gunpoint. residents are concerned. earlier, kenyon mc. duffy and eleanor holmes norton went on a walking tourist park and they looking for solutions to the crime. >> we have the community support and they have been hard at work and we're going to implement what we heard. >> they include better lighting at the park and a bigger police presence. going forward with the status quo is not going to cut it motor person people
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struggling today. >> when i walked into the oval office, hi more than a trillion dollar deficit greeting me and we know where it came from. >> soon their approaches changeed. president obama versus mitt romney and is this round 1 or a knockout blow? the candidates are in a different place tonight and tom fitzgerald fooled their movements and turned -- turned into spin rooms. tom. >> reporter: the democratic position was that mitt romney's performance last night, in their words, is at odds with what he's saying on the campaign trail and privately, they're acknowledging what many have been saying, that governor romney had a good debate and the president is going to be under pressure to do better next time. the president tried to refrain the debate saying the mitt romney he saw last night had little resemblance to what the
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president said romney's policies are. governor romney himself, meanwhile s meeting with supporters in colorado. romney said the debate gave him a chance to frame the campaign for the country for what their choice would be. >> last night, i thought it was a great opportunity for the american people to see two different visions for the country. it was helpful to describe the vigs. i saw the president's vision as trickledown government. >> governor romney may dance around his position but, if you want to be president, you owe the american people the truth so he's the truth: governor romney can not pay for his $5 trillion tax plan without blowing up the deficit or sticking it to the middle
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class. >> and the latest poll packs up that romney won the debate and 22% said the president came out on top. >> tom fitzgerald tonight in virginia's senate race. tim kaine continues to lead republican george allen in the polls. a wall street journal-maris poll of likely voters found cane with -- cane with 47% and putting him as the front runner after months of deadlock. and new developments in the deadly shooting of a border patrol agent in arizona. we're learning the 30-year-old ivy and other agents responded to a motion sensor in the dessert when attacked. he die on the scene, another agent shot and survived. he loved the people he worked with and he was a hero. >> he is one of the people that you will be hard pressed to
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find anyone he's rubbed wrong. there is not a bad bone in his body. i honestly believe that he probably befriended many of the people he was out there serving. >> the fbi is investigating. for nearly 70 years, the families of seven marines killed during world war ii have waited for this day and listed as missing in action after the train crashed in the island of vanatu in the south pacific n.1999, a giant p.o.w./m.i.a. team travelled through the island and found the crash site. over the next decade, they excavated the site and positively ided the names and today they were buried at national cemetery. the d.c. police what, they're doing to prevent ticket scalpers from play-off games. >> and we'll have to work on the forecast. today, brian, it took the
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sunshine awhile to emerge. but it did. and some big changes coming for the weekend. that is on the way. scott smith, what is on tap for sports? >> and two regular season openers for baseball. what is next for the os and nats? a crazy day of wild card win or go home baseball on deck tomorrow and what that means for our teams. when the news edge at 6 continues. >> and if you have a story, call the number and send an e- mail to that address. we're back. 're back.  [ female announcer ]  who will raise taxes on the middle class? barack obama and the liberals already have. to pay for government-run healthcare, you'll pay higher taxes and more for your medicine. and their plan includes a trillion dollars in higher taxes.
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even on the middle class. mitt romney and common sense conservatives will cut taxes on the middle class. and they'll close loopholes for millionaires. obama and his liberal allies? we can't afford four more years. [ romney] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. we can't afford four more years. number of students that wea lot of the... resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars... for schools...from gaming revenues that would have... gone to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children. seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children. these appliances could have been made here in america. but a company called global tech maximized profits by paying its workers next to nothing... under sweatshop conditions in china.
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when mitt romney led bain, they saw global tech as a good investment... even knowing that the firm promoted its practice of exploiting... low-wage labor to its investors. mitt romney - tough on china? since when? . if you're planning to catch the washington nationals play- off game and go to the stadium without a ticket, may not be a good idea. the d.c. police chief said that police will be stepping up patrols around the stadium on game days looking for scalpers. >> you're not allowed to re- sell your tickets. doesn't matter. i think a lot of people are on the impression if they sell it for face value or less it's not illegal but it is. >> it's not just sellers that can get in trouble but buyers
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beware. buying from a scalper is illegal. d.c. mayor vincent gray immediately squashed the plan to allow city taxi drivers to charge an extra buck during the national play-off games. the d.c. taxi cab proposed the dollar extra for passenger fee. the surcharge would have gone into effect two hours prior to the game and lasted until 4 a.m. the mayor gray contacted the commission and since reversed course on the charge. upscale rating has something to say about fast food. in and out burger, wendy's, and subway are the best, according to the new survey. it divvied the chain into two categories, according to size. social media played a big role in politics. coming up, the voters take to twitter during the presidential debate. what they had to say. and inside the space shuttle atlantis, behind the scenes tourist historic shuttle to retirement. >> a daring emu is looking for love in a hopeless page.
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he escaped from the florida home and ended up on the florida highway. it's mating season and paco is on the prowl. he was fixated on a motorcycle. apparently he likes bad girls. he was caught and is back home now. now. [ female announcer ] who will raise taxes on the middle class? barack obama and the liberals already have. to pay for government-run healthcare,
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you'll pay higher taxes and more for your medicine. and their plan includes a trillion dollars in higher taxes. even on the middle class. mitt romney and common sense conservatives will cut taxes on the middle class. and they'll close loopholes for millionaires. obama and his liberal allies? we can't afford four more years. [ romney] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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. i like pbs. i love big bird. i like you, too, but i'm not going keep on spending money on things to borrow flown china 350 topay for it. >> and that is one of the most memorable quiets -- quotes. as soon as it hit the airways, everyone was abuzz on twitter and facebook to have their say in the political showdown. he's more.
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>> i don't want to kill jobs. >> governor romney ruled out revenue. >> reporter: as the country buzzes with scorecards from the first presidential debate, it seems the biggest winner is social media. >> this is the biggest debate in terms of the use of twitter and mass use of facebook. >> reporter: wednesday's debate was the most tweeted event in u.s. political history; it was the fourth most tweeted telecast of any kind. about 11 million comments coming down fast on platforms like twitter and facebook in realtime. and who won and who lost also clear. experts finding more than 47,000 tweets mentioning gop presidential candidate mitt romney and the words win or winner compared to a little over 29,000 for the president. many of the tweets coming from key battleground states. people also feeling the president lacked energy and saying the moderator lost
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control. goggle analysts taking a look at the top four searches of the night and month them, simpson bowls, dodd frank and, of course, big bird. >> that was the moment that governor romney would end the subsidy to pbs, home of lehrer and big bird. and there is a lot of interest. they helped bring new life into the political arena and looking forward to the next round. the vice presidential debate coming up next week. president obama and governor romney will face off once again october 16th. in washington, steve sentani, fox news. getting up close to perhaps appreciate the space shuttle atlantis. the visitors had a chance to go inside the shuttle before it goes on permanent display next summer. from the flight deck and to the crew. hatch where thousands of signatures were left by members.
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shuttle workers, dignitaries and celebrities. they have maintained and upgraded the shuttle throughout the 30-year history and many say it's emotional. >> this is the last time we're going do this. >> and next month, the atlantis will move to the kennedy space center visitor's complex in cape canaveral. nasa is turning former spy drones into hurricane hunters. the global hawk was sent to the atlantic this month under what is called the hurricane severe storm sentinel mission. the drone is expected to study and gain insight into hurricanes. the global hawk can soar higher than a hunter plane flying up to 65,000 fight. quit a bizarre day today. >> sweating like crazy. >> 81 degrees and humid, too. >> yeah, really. >> we have the tropical moisture on part of the day and that is in the process of getting ground and expect another warm day tomorrow and
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that is looking fantastic. the clouds are departing and it's going to be a very lovely evening here in d.c. gradual clearing as we go through the overnight means that some of the leftover moisture could revisit us in the form of fog later. under the weather maps, we wanted to you seat clearing we're watching and that is as a the showers are out of here and there is some residual moisture even though the winds are trying to get rid of it, we'll have that chance for fog later tonight. the next frontal boundary moving through chicago and this is going to have a big push of cold air behind it and it will roll through our area on saturday. saturday will be a transition day between some of the summer- like temperatures we have been having and the nice day we're going have tomorrow and rather a downhill slide for sunday. just a little heads up. we're going to talk about the weekend forecast in a moment and this is the driver for the
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frontal boundary and some places getting five, six inches and won't be surprised to see that closer to 10 and trying to move out of minnesota this winter and denver may have an inch or two of snow this weekend. 79 degrees for us and we're in a different season at this point. fredericksburg at 80; gaithersburg, 73 degrees and i wanted you to so the big contrast in temperatures. we have a lot of warmth in the east. st. louis is still at 79 degrees and you get out to lincoln, nebraska, that is 57 degrees. fargo, north dakota, 43; international falls, 35. here come the front and again, it will take a while to get in here and we'll start seeing the temperatures drop by saturday afternoon and tonight, another mild one at 63 with the clearing skies and there could be fog and the 60s in the suburb and doing a good job of getting the humidity out of here and get ready for another warm one tomorrow, though, 82 degrees and really looks like a
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great day and for those of you who don't want to see summer go yet, this might be a good hurrah for you to into yourself. a warm day without a ton of humidity and tomorrow morning, 55 degrees and some sunshine breaking through and by noon, 77 degrees and by 5:00, still warm at 81 and friday, looking really great and listen, we have to change it up for the weekend. we're expecting on saturday and you know friday is going to be beautiful. a couple of late-day showers on saturday and east of that is 95 and that is the frontal boundary that is going through later at night and usherring in colder air. the cold push is coming from the north and the strong chilly air that pumps in to town will get enhanced by the disturbed, disturbance along the front to bring showers into town as well and this is your forecast for the weekend. 76 for saturday. not a particularly wet day. a couple of late-day showers east of the 95 corridor and that is how it's looking now. check it out for sunday, 59
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degrees. off-and-on showers throughout the day. feeling like a late november preview to be perfectly honest, with the sunday forecast. and a quick look at the future cast here and you can see the nice clear skies tomorrow, a really terrific friday and that is early saturday morning and they don't hold up to the 91 hour. we're dry through the noon hour, around 3, 4:00 and that reforms as the frontal boundary comes on through and that is when we may so showers and heavier downpours south and east of the city. on sunday, as early as 7:00 a.m., these are the showers and our future cast is suggesting there could be umbedded heavier downpours and that is going to continue off and on and that is before it's out of town. 82 degrees and then we transition into a place that is real far and rolling in to town
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on sunday and that drops to 46, brian and a lot of people have columbus day off and maybe that is a good day not to venture out to the bus stop. a real chill in the air on tuesday, about 65 and we start to moderate back to normal temperatures by wednesday and thursday. >> all right, thank you, sue. >> sure. the second annual classic car show is in town tomorrow. folks can head down to the discovery communications building in silver springs. take a look and features more than 40 classic and high-end exotic muscle cars. experts will be on hand and there is some music and giveaways. the skins escaped with a close win in tampa last week. things don't get easier on sunday. scott smith here with the redskins update after the break. and it's beginning to look like christmas in california and a fresno woman started decorating her home with christmas trees and right now, there are 15. by christmas day, there will be 31. the woman's christmas collection started in the 70s and each tree has a theme like
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the americana, candy, and star tree. tree. david smallwood: maryland money needs to stay in maryland. it's just that simple, i mean, it's a no brainer. anncr: every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty... million at casinos in west virginia, delaware... and pennsylvania. one west virginia paper calls it a "cash cow" for them. but its cost maryland over one billion dollars. money that could have created good jobs and... better schools for us.
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question seven keeps maryland money in maryland. david smallwood: question seven, i think it will be a... good thing for the state of maryland. [ female announcer ] he says... president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care.
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and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities? . top 10 in e.r.a. and strikeouts today, the nats geo gonzalez was recognized as the best left-handed picture -- pitcher in baseball. next time, he'll take to sunday's game, one of the nlds against the cardinals or braves. yes, the nats have home field advantage after wednesday's win and that is a 2-3 form at, meaning the first two are on the road. yesterday, ryan zimmerman last the home crowd, 25 runs on the season for him and michael morris teed off as well for the team's 98th win and that is a
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95-1 final. the orioles -- orioles game didn't go as well and that is because of what he needed to get out of the season and he hit two home runs and three yesterday. the top 4-1, meaning baltimore visits the texas rangers in friday's one-game wild card play-in and getting the start. the first pipe, 8:07. >> we were fortunate enough to be moving on and have something important on inside and that is where our eyes are set. of course we want to host the game at camden yards and have a game in texas on friday that we need to host the game and we need the full support. >> and to football, calling last week's win over tampa the third -- robert griffin 3's best game yet and taking a step further, naming him the offensive rookie of the month and the first to win it.
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the counterpart this summer might be the hot nest league and matt ryan's quarterback lead is 1-12 and has big play target. >> they have the hard hottest quarterback in the lead and -- league and a good running back and two receivers, i don't know -- they're really good and explosive guys, making calling the catches and they're big bodies and that is probably the greatest all-time player that played and we played good offense and this is another challenge. and good thing it's at home and hopefully that will help us out. >> and finally, due to the ongoing nhl lockout, the first two weeks of the hockey season have been cancelled, meaning the puck won't drop sooner than october 25th. >> and thank you. let's look at the forecast. >> and there is a lot of ups and downs. the update is tomorrow, 82
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degrees and if you like summer, there this is a good hurrah and that won't be in the confines of this seven-day forecast. and on to side, a transition day and as showers roll in, we'll drop into the low 50s saturday night and on sunday, only climbing to about 59 degrees and could even be some, yikes, wet snowflakes in the mountains, especially up to western pennsylvania and we're going to see the temperature dropping sunday night to 46 degrees and a lot of people have columbus day off and looks like a descent day at about 62 degrees and considerably colder. brian? >> thank you, sue. back here at 10. see you then. i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. thesese appliances could have bn made here in america. but a company called global tech maximized profits by paying its workers next to nothing... under sweatshop conditions in china. when mitt romney led bain, they saw global tech as a good investment...
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even knowing that the firm promoted its practice of exploiting... low-wage labor to its investors. mitt romney - tough on china? since when? barack obama and the libereras already have. to pay for government-run healthcare, you'll pay higher taxes and more for your medicine. and their plan includes a trillion dollars in higher taxes. even on the middle class.
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mitt romney and common sense conservatives will cut taxes on the middle class. and they'll close loopholes for millionaires. obama and his liberal allies? we can't afford four more years. [ romney] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.


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